lunes, agosto 21, 2006

The pics!

Tonight I'm posting the pictures I took between leaving Chilis the night I left and our arrival in Peru. It was alot of taveling all at once.
I'll post more and I should have them all done... maybe before the convention. That's a good goal right? Ok. For now, enjoy.

4 skulls lined up on the desk.

Blogger Dante the Inferno apparently wants to die.

Yeah. I like that. I am like the tortoise.

8:55 p. m.  
Blogger Daniel Greene apparently wants to die.

The long wait was a slow buildup to make the pictures even better upon arrival...

Likewise, a tortoise may be slow, but his arrival is deeply appreciated considering all the time and energy it exerted to arrive.

10:14 p. m.  
Blogger Eric apparently wants to die.

ha ha your a tortoise. you know what that means right. it means your slow!

6:32 p. m.  
Blogger Dante the Inferno apparently wants to die.

Actualy. I prefer SLOTH. So uh.. yeah. I definitley know I'm slow :)

10:18 p. m.  

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