miércoles, agosto 23, 2006

I don't like to travel, and so even though we saw alot of cool things and visited a country I never thought I'd ever go to I was thrilled to be getting to somewhere I could call home. Though, of course, I had never before been there. San Lorenzo. Just a little Ecuadorian beach town. Good times.

3 skulls lined up on the desk.

Blogger la viajera apparently wants to die.

ahhhh home! I miss it

2:47 p. m.  
Blogger OhKathy apparently wants to die.


HAHA well since i saw you at the convention but yea thats cool hahahaha.

dantayy hahah jk. see ya tomorow!

7:05 p. m.  
Blogger Dante the Inferno apparently wants to die.

Lol. Oh Kathy...

9:52 p. m.  

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